The Ultimate Guide to Campground Newsletters

The ultimate guide to campground newsletters

Welcome to the Ultimate Guide to Campground Newsletters 

In the dynamic world of campground management, staying connected with your guests is more important than ever. Newsletters are a powerful tool to enhance this connection, and choosing the right platform is crucial. In this guide, we’ll explore the best email systems for campgrounds, how to build your email list, and craft content that resonates with your audience. You can also read our last post about our 9 Simple Steps to Launch Your Campground newsletters here. 

Why Newsletters are a Game-Changer for Your Campground

Newsletters offer a direct line to your guests. I know, this is kind of obvious, right? They are perfect for announcing upcoming events, special offers, or sharing exciting campground news. Regular newsletters can turn first-time visitors into loyal guests and even brand ambassadors.

Picking the Right Newsletter Service: Free and Paid Options

Choosing the right platform can feel overwhelming, but it’s all about finding a balance between your needs and budget. Please note, Martrek Digital is not affiliated with any of these products and is not responsible for any selections that are made. Please do your own research when choosing a platform or service that works best for you. 

Free Options:

  • MailChimp: Great for beginners, offering a user-friendly interface and basic analytics. However, customization is limited in the free plan.
  • MailerLite: Known for its ease of use and good template options. It’s an excellent choice for small parks, but larger ones might find it lacking in advanced features.

Paid Options: (As of January 2024)

  • Constant Contact: This platform shines in customization and support, starting at $20/month. A very common platform for smaller businesses, Constant Contact offers you more flexibility and automation than Mailchimp or MailerLite for a pretty affordable pricetag. 
  • HubSpot: An all-in-one solution, perfect for those seeking extensive analytics and marketing tools, starting from $50/month. This is the platform that we at Martrek use, and stand behind with our business. 
  • Marketo & Eloqua: Ideal for larger operations, these platforms offer advanced automation and analytics but come with a higher price tag. These systems are most likely a bigger fit if you are a larger campground organization with multiple locations, and have a dedicated marketing team connected with your business, as they are complex and require pretty significant training. 

Building and Growing Your Email List

Start by collecting emails during the booking process or at check-in. You can do this with a simple form submission on your website or a more complex Reservation software if you are connected with that. Make sure that you consider offering things like incentives for sign-ups and always ensure you’re GDPR compliant.

Creating Engaging Newsletter Content

Your content should be a mix of informative and entertaining. Share updates about your park, camping tips, and local attractions. Remember, personalization in your campground newsletter can significantly increase engagement. If you have a blog or social media channels that are regularly updated, this is a perfect opportunity to promote this content and direct your audiences to these other owned content platforms pushing your campground or RV park. Word of advice – if these platforms are not regularly updated or checked, its a good reason to start, if you are thinking about launching a newsletter. Read more about our tips for organic social media on our post here. 

Setting the Right Frequency and Automating Your Newsletters

A monthly or quarterly campground newsletter is a good starting point. Most platforms offer automation tools, allowing you to schedule content in advance and maintain consistent communication with your audience. However, this does mainly fall into the pay to play category for our automation systems. So, if this is something that is really important to you, make sure you consider this and factor it in when choosing your platform. If you already have a platform in place, but it does not offer automation tools that you would really like to try (which not only includes scheduled emails and dynamic content, but also automated text messages, paid media and organic media scheduling, and more), you might consider upgrading your replacing your platform to meet these goals. 

Conclusion: Your Campground Newsletter Awaits! 

Newsletters are an invaluable tool for campgrounds and RV parks. They keep guests engaged and can significantly boost your business. Start small, and as you grow more comfortable, you can expand your campground newsletter’s scope and frequency.

Stay Connected with Martrek Digital

For more insights into digital marketing and how it can transform your campground, visit Martrek Digital Insights

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